While browsing through the sewing lawyer's blog I discovered there's a name for it. What I have, or rather, the state I'm in. This state of having way more fabrics and things than can realistically be made and finished within my lifetime, even if I worked at it every day. It's S.A.B.L.E. Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy. Oi!
Am I there? I have about 6,000 days until I reach the same age at which my mother died. I think I have ~
Back to positive thoughts, let these good news not be an excuse to go on a shopping spree. Keep focused: one garment at a time. One beautiful item at a time.

So there you have it, I am veering dangerously close to SABLE. Oh wait! This doesn't count all the gorgeous clothes from my mom that I hope to alter to fit! ... Ugh ...
Then it's official, I'm fully in SABLE territory.
I did see some rather ugly fabrics during my stash check. Maybe I can donate some to the charity shop...