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02 January 2014

Call me the "voorjaar" blogger

Happy New Year to all my sewing friends!

Oh, I know, I've done it again... I just went MIA and stopped blogging. And believe me, I've got lots of excuses: we finished renovating the house so my sewing room was plastic-wrapped, I hurt my back and it took weeks (and a miraculous infrared lamp from the 70's!) to recover, I moved to a new position at work, I gained a few pounds and got depressed about sewing one size bigger, blah, blah, blah. Whatever the reasons I think I see a pattern developing. In 2012 I also stopped blogging sometime before the fall.

Now, the Dutch think of the year in two halves. The first half they call voorjaar, the second najaar. So it would seem that I am a voorjaar blogger :-)

Well, better get on with it if I've only got 6 months to go... :-)

Since this is a New Year's blog post let me share with you my latest machinations:

Ambitious much? I know! It all started with a fabric binge, eh, visit to Mood Fabrics in LA. You see, the way I managed to justify buying so many fabrics was by making sure they all coordinate with each other. Then, back at home and catching up on sewing blogs I read about the Stitcher's Guild's SWAP 2014 Contest. And bingo! the wardrobe began taking shape.

Now, in my defense, the red brocade and the white embroidered cotton (middle on the set at right, not looking very white at all!) were already in my stash. And the knitted poncho is already done. It is one of the things I made while not sewing last year. In fact, I had a more modest wardrobe in mind, but I had to make it this big to comply with the contest rules. Reach for the stars, right?

And then it turns out that Pantone has declared Radiant Orchid the Color of the Year 2014. That is precisely the dominant color in my coordinated group. I'm taking that as a good omen!


  1. Oooooo, I love V1265! Can't wait to see yours made up!

    1. Thanks Shannon. I will definitely have to make a muslin for this one, wish me luck!

  2. Hi voorjaar blogger! Missed you lots. I'm glad you are joining SWAP'14 - see your there.
    By the way - I love your colour scheme and fabrics

    1. Thanks Ruth! I'm happy to be back. The SWAP'14 is a bit too ambitious for me, but I'd love to see how far I come. This is your influence BTW, so thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Hola! Pero bueno, cuanto tiempo LucĂ­a....
    Todos tus proyectos tienen una pinta estupenda. Y ese color es precioso.
    Se te echa de menos!!!

    1. Hola, linda! Si, ya se, que terrible soy para lo del blogging verdad? Yo tambien las eche de menos... pero ya me puse al corriente de todas las cosas lindas que haz estado haciendo. Me encantaron sobre todo tus vestidos veraniegos. Creo que te voy a copiar mas de uno, con tu permiso, claro! :-)

  4. Yay! I'm attempting to do the SWAP at SG, too! I don't know how far I'll get, but it's given me a goal for then next 4 months. I love your cheerful orchid colours. It's going to be a very pretty SWAP!

    1. Oh fantastic, I also do it for the focus it'll give me! The SG SWAP is a definite stretch for me, so it'll encourage me to have you there and see your progress! I'll go have a look if you have posted a board/plan already.

    2. I just saw your SWAP board at SG. NICE! The two dresses are in my queue, I'd love to see how you make yours. And that Pavlova top I hadn't seen before, it is lovely. And the Marfy's are the free ones from the catalog, right? Smart girl! I'm going to like following your progress...
